- A
- Mary Adshead
- Anna Airy
- Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin
- John Aldridge
- Helen Allingham
- Christopher Gifford Ambler
- American School, 19th Century
- Andre Amstutz
- Clement Auguste Andrieux
- George Owen Wynne Apperley
- Maxwell Ashby Armfield
- Stuart Armfield
- Joshua Charles Armitage
- George Denholm Armour
- John Armstrong
- Snowdon, Antony Armstrong-Jones
- Norman Gregory Arnold
- Richard Hubbard Arroll
- Marit Guinness Aschan
- Ana Inez 'Chiquita' Astor
- Amy Beatrice Atkinson
- Harry Carleton Attwood
- Robert Sargent Austin
- B
- Stanley Roy Badmin
- Stephen Baghot De La Bere
- Robert Banks
- Reginald Barratt
- William Henry Barribal
- Lewis Baumer
- Gilbert Bayes
- Cecil Beaton
- Arnold Beauvais
- Walter John Beauvais
- John Beaven
- Celia Frances Bedford
- Margot Bell
- Robert Anning Bell
- Elinor Bellingham-Smith
- Alfred John Bennett
- Frank Ernest Beresford
- Pamela Bianco
- George Bissill
- Frederick Donald Blake
- Edmund Blampied
- Jebez Bligh
- John Blundell
- Alfred Adalbert Boese
- William Joseph Julius Ceasar Bond
- David Muirhead Bone
- Raymond Booth
- Rene Robert Bouche
- William Boxall
- George Price Boyce
- Frank Brangwyn
- Nathan Cooper Branwhite
- William Arthur Breakspeare
- John Brett
- Henry Charles Brewer
- Frederick Lee Bridell
- Hester May Bridgwater
- Harry Bright
- Reginald Brill
- British School
- Gerald Leslie Brockhurst
- Mortimer John Brown
- Amy K Browning
- Violet Brunton
- Charles Buchel
- Herbert Ashwin Budd
- Robert Buhler
- Vivian J Buley
- Lionel Bulmer
- Arthur James Weatherall Burgess
- Averil Mary Burleigh
- Veronica Burleigh
- Sir Philip Burne-Jones
- Robert Burns
- Simon Bussy
- Elizabeth Southerden Butler
- Edward James Buttar
- Marjorie Bywater
- C
- Edmund Caldwell
- Katharine Cameron
- Estella Louisa M Canziani
- Catharine Carrington
- John Paddy Carstairs
- Henry Barlow Carter
- Hugh Casson
- Edgar Chahine
- Hilda Chancellor-Pope
- Caroline Chappell
- James Charles
- Harold Cheesman
- Frank Chesworth
- Michael B 'Jerry' Chritchlow
- Terry Clark
- George Clausen
- Florence Claxton
- Edward Clifford
- Robin Clifford
- Rex Vicat Cole
- William Gershom Collingwood
- Cecil Collins
- William Wiehe Collins
- (Margaret) Ithell Colquhoun
- Robert Colquhoun
- Philip Connard
- Arthur Charles Conrade
- Edward William Cooke
- Alfred Chantrey Corbould
- Frederick George Cotman
- Noel Coward
- Fleur Cowles
- Walter Crane
- Lionel Townsend Crawshaw
- John Crealock
- James Alanson Cull
- Cyrus Cincinnati Cuneo
- D
- D Brucciani & Co
- John Da Costa
- After Michael Dahl
- Frank Robinson Daniell
- Robin Vere Darwin
- Henry William Banks Davis
- Louis B Davis
- Mabel Dawson
- William De Belleroche
- Alison Debenham
- Marcel Delmotte
- Francis Derwent Wood
- Edward Julius Detmold
- De Courcy Lewthwaite Dewar
- Cornelia Dibble
- A. E. Dixon
- Anna Dixon
- Frank Dobson
- Francis Edgar Dodd
- John Dodgson
- Barbara Dorf
- Thomas Millie Dow
- Harcourt Medhurst Doyle
- John Doyle
- Herbert Cecil Drane
- Hilda Drayton
- William Dring
- John Dronsfield
- Alfred Drury
- Ella Mary Du Cane
- After George Du Maurier
- George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier
- Mary Elizabeth Duffield
- Edmund Dulac
- Edward Duncan
- Joseph Durham
- Lionel Durieu
- E
- Kate Eadie
- Joan Kathleen Harding Eardley
- George Earl
- Maud Earl
- Alfred East
- Lionel Dalhousie Robertson Edwards
- Georg Ehrlich
- Mildred Eldridge
- Alma Elliott-Bayley
- Frank Lewis Emanuel
- English School
- Richard Eurich
- James Robert Granville Exley
- John Eyre
- F
- Alice Maude Fanner
- Joan Farley
- Mary Fedden
- Clifford Fishwick
- Dorothy Fitchew
- John Anster Fitzgerald
- Bernard Fleetwood-Walker
- Harry Floyd
- Peter Folkes
- Mary Forster
- Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale
- H Foster
- Herbert Wilson Foster
- Myles Birket Foster
- Albert Moulton Foweraker
- Robert Fowler
- William Foy
- Edward Reginald Frampton
- Claud Lovat Fraser
- Kenneth Frazier
- Annie French
- French School, 19Th Century
- French School, 20Th Century
- French Textile Design
- Eustace Corrie Frere
- Elisabeth Frink
- William Edward Frost
- Ella Fry
- John Fulleylove
- Samuel Fulton
- May Furniss
- Margaret Furse
- G
- William Hippon Gadsby
- Maria Belen Galizzi
- Richard Louis Garbe
- Gerald Gardiner
- Valentine Thomas Garland
- Edith Mary Garner
- William J. Clare Gaskell
- Arthur Joseph Gaskin
- Mabel Gear
- Charles March Gere
- Lorenzo Ghiglia
- Thomas Binney Gibbs
- Anthony Gilbert
- John Gilbert
- Edward Frank Gillett
- Beatrice Glenavy
- Edward Godwin
- Robert Charles Goff
- Tim Goodchild
- Albert Goodwin
- Sylvia Gosse
- Thomas Cooper Gotch
- Imre Goth
- Leda Grant
- Derrick Greaves
- Henry Greaves
- Henry & Walter Greaves
- Walter Greaves
- Charles Green
- Kate Greenaway
- Robert Duckworth Greenham
- Eileen Greenwood
- Edward John Gregory
- Maurice Greiffenhagen
- Charles Maciver Grierson
- Stanley Grimm
- Ernest Henry Griset
- Edgar Herbert Grosvenor
- James Joshua Guthrie
- H
- Arthur Hacker
- George Charles Haite
- Clifford Hall
- Charles Edward Halle
- Charlotte Halliday
- Adelaide Hallward
- Reginald Francis Hallward
- Frederick James Halnon
- Maggie Hamilton
- Gertrude Demain Hammond
- Edward Handley-Read
- Hans Hansen
- Primrose Harley
- Fairlie Harmar
- Edward Steel Harper
- Jean Harper
- Claude Harrison
- Mary Kent Harrison
- Norman Hartnell
- Herbert Johnson Harvey
- John Hammond Harwood
- Joan Hassall
- William Hatherell
- Frank Haviland
- John Hawkesworth
- Ian Hay
- Henri Hayden
- Beatrice Kate Hayllar
- Jessica Hayllar
- Arthur Hayward
- Paul-César Helleu
- Francis William Helps
- Keith Henderson
- Hubert Henrard
- George Edwards Hering
- Robertine Heriot
- John Frederick Herring
- Neville Hickman
- George Elgar Hicks
- Nicola Hicks
- Adrian Hill
- Mary Hill
- Robert Hills
- Alexander Hilton
- Roy Hobdell
- Samuel Hobson
- Alexander Hodgkinson
- A. L. Holding
- Edgar Thomas Holding
- Gilbert Joseph Holiday
- Henry Holiday
- Frank Holl
- George Percy Jacomb Hood
- Jennifer Hooper
- Rex Frederick Hopes
- Henry Silkstone Hopwood
- Frank Ellis Horne
- Percy Horton
- Arthur Boyd Houghton
- George Howard
- Marjorie Maitland Howard
- Ray Howard-Jones
- Edgar Allan Howes
- Samuel Howitt
- Eric Hesketh Hubbard
- William Huggins
- Raymond Hughes
- Miriam Humphris
- Alfred William Hunt
- Cecil Arthur Hunt
- Henry J Hunt
- William Holman Hunt
- George Sherwood Hunter
- Leslie Hurry
- Hal Hurst
- Nell Hutton
- I
- Rudolph Ernest Charles Ihlee
- Leslie Gilbert Illingworth
- William Ayerst Ingram
- Laurence Henry Irving
- J
- Walter James
- Norman Janes
- William Samuel Jay
- Edith Mary Jelley
- James Valentine Jelley
- Isaac Walter Jenner
- Leslie Frederick Jewell
- John John
- Nico Jungman
- K
- Edmond Xavier Kapp
- Frank Kelsey
- Thomas Benjamin Kennington
- James Kerr
- James Kerr-Lawson
- George Goodwin Kilburne
- Brenda Lois King
- Godfrey Penington Kingdon
- Josh Ronald William Kirby
- Raphael Kirchner
- Edward Loxton Knight
- Egon Josef Kossuth
- Jacob Kramer
- Mary Krishna
- L
- Jean-Emile Laboureur
- Henry Lamb
- Terence Lambert
- Ronald George Lampitt
- Percy Lancaster
- Alfred Kingsley Lawrence
- Sebastien Le Clerc
- James Le Jeaune
- Benjamin Williams Leader
- Edward Lear
- Gilbert Ledward
- Theyre Lee-Elliott
- John Leech
- Gerald Mackenzie Leet
- Frederic Leighton
- Frederick William Leist
- Arthur Lemon
- Jules Lessore
- Blanche Lindsay
- Robert W Little
- William Llewellyn
- William Francis Longstaff
- Elyse Ashe Lord
- Hal Ludlow
- Theophile Marie Francois Lybaert
- Mariette Lydis
- James Lynch
- Michael Lyne
- M
- Dora Maar
- Andrew Macara
- Robert Walker Macbeth
- John Edmund Mace
- Jock Macinnes
- Arthur Stewart Mackay
- John Roderick Dempster Mackenzie
- F H Mackintosh
- John Macwhirter
- Luca Madrassi
- Charles Mahoney
- Paul Fordyce Maitland
- Dennis Mallet
- Alexander Mann
- Cathleen Mann
- Harrington Mann
- Marjorie Manners, Later Marchioness Of Anglesey
- Vernon March
- Margaret Margaret
- William Henry Margetson
- Henry Stacy Marks
- Arthur Marshall
- Francis Marshall
- Thomas Mervyn Bouchier Marshall
- Freda Marston
- Francis Patrick Martin
- Edith Martineau
- Gilbert Mason
- Maurice
- Donald Maxwell
- John N Mayor
- Paul Lucien Maze
- Joseph Pierce Mccrum
- Ambrose Mcevoy
- John M. Meade
- F. J. Mears
- Bernard Meninsky
- Oliver Messel
- Margaret Metcalfe
- Sidney Harold Meteyard
- Paul Ayshford Methuen
- Arthur Ralph Middleton Todd
- John Everett Millais
- Raoul Millais
- Patrick Ferguson Millard
- Archibald Elliot Haswell Miller
- Reginald Mills
- John Minton
- Helen Mary Ferrier Moggridge
- John Henry Mole
- Lucien Monod
- Victor Hume Moody
- Robert James Enraght Moony
- Albert Joseph Moore
- Henry Moore
- John Collingham Moore
- Harry More Gordon
- George Morland
- Harry Morley
- Marjorie Mostyn
- Charles Sim Mottram
- Louis Fairfax Muckley
- Claude Muncaster
- Alexander Graham Munro
- David Murray
- N
- Eustace Nash
- John Nash
- Philip Naviasky
- William James Neatby
- John Newberry
- Tessa Newcomb
- Barbara Nicholson
- Charles Herbert Nicholson
- Job Nixon
- Kay Nixon
- Ernest Normand
- Bess Norriss Tait
- John William North
- Peter Nuttall
- O
- Robert O'Rorke
- Bruce Oldfield
- Frank Oldham
- Kate Elizabeth Olver
- Edward Onslow-Ford
- William Quiller Orchardson
- Arthur Herbert Orpen
- William Orpen
- William Evelyn Osborn
- James Thomas Armour Osborne
- Oscar Oscar
- P
- Louise Percy
- Marie Palmer-Smith
- Carton Moore Park
- Sir Joseph Noel Paton
- Charles Johnson Payne
- Edward Raymond Payne
- Henry Arthur Payne
- Charles Pears
- Frederick Pegram
- Joseph Pennell
- Gladys Emma Peto
- Pettiward
- Patrick Edward Phillips
- Constance Phillott
- Leonard Daniel Philpot
- Cecil Westland Pilcher
- John Piper
- Roland Vivian Pitchforth
- Anthony Powell
- Joseph Arthur Powell
- Edward John Poynter
- Edward Carter Preston
- Valentine Cameron Prinsep
- Ernest Procter
- Jessie Pym
- R
- Adolphe Ragon
- William Bruce Ellis Ranken
- John Rathbone
- Harold Hope Read
- Kate Reade
- After Edward Tennyson Reed
- Alan Reynolds
- Warwick Reynolds
- Zandra Rhodes
- Ceri Richards
- William Blake Richmond
- Charles de Sousy Ricketts
- William George Robb
- Henry Larpent Roberts
- Lancelot Percival Roberts
- William Patrick Roberts
- Percy Robertson
- Sidney Robertson-Rodger
- Arnold Wathen Robinson
- Frederick Cayley Robinson
- Geoffrey Robinson
- Gregory Robinson
- Joseph Robinson
- William Heath Robinson
- Fred Roe
- Thomas Matthews Rooke
- Francis Rose
- Freda Mabel Rose
- George Herbert Rose
- Robert Traill Rose
- Arild Rosenkrantz
- Joseph Thorburn Ross
- Michael Rothenstein
- Sir William Rothenstein
- Theodore Roussel
- Frank Runacres
- Henry Rushbury
- Francis Martin Russell
- Jim Russell
- William Russell Flint
- Albert Rutherston
- Violet, Duchess Of Rutland
- Sophie Ryder
- Susan Ryder
- Henry Ryland
- S
- Loudon Sainthill
- Arthur John Balliol Salmon
- Paul Sandby
- Christopher Sanders
- Frederick Sandys
- Rudolf Helmut Sauter
- Randolph Schwabe
- David Scott
- William Bell Scott
- Scottish School
- Jørgen Sedgwick
- Anne Harriet Sefton
- Carolyn Sergeant
- John Sergeant
- Jaroslav Setelik
- Arthur Severn
- Joseph Arthur Palliser Severn
- William Shackleton
- Arthur Winter Shaw
- Eve Sheldon-Williams
- Harold Shelton
- Ernest Howard Shepard
- Raymond Sheppard
- Claude Allin Shepperson
- George Sheringham
- Marjorie Sherlock
- Robert Stewart Sherriffs
- John Sherrin
- Frederic James Shields
- Benjamin Shipham
- Frank Short
- Sydney Herbert Sime
- William Simpson, Ri
- Charles Sims
- Robert Sivell
- John Skeaping
- Frank Markham Skipworth
- Bernard Sleigh
- Douglas Ion Smart
- Daisy Smith
- Gerald Edward Roberts Smith
- Matthew Smith
- Richard Shirley Smith
- Simeon Solomon
- Edmund Van Someren
- Stuart Somerville
- Peters Sons
- Eileen Soper
- Elizabeth Sorrell
- John Bulloch Souter
- Joseph Edward Southall
- John George Sowerby
- Cyril Saunders Spackman
- Harold Speed
- Gilbert Spencer
- Pamela Mary Spencer
- Stanley Spencer
- Matthew Spender
- Steven Spurrier
- Leonard Russell Squirrell
- Maude Alethea Stanley
- Frank Arthur Staples
- Percy Angelo Staynes
- Peter Stebbing
- Eric Stemp
- Alfred George Stevens
- Mary Caroline Halhed Stevens
- Maria Spartali Stillman
- W G Stirling
- Adrian Scott Stokes
- Brian Stonehouse
- Frederick Henry Stonham
- George Adolphus Storey
- Edward Stott
- William Stott Of Oldham
- William Strang
- Fred Stratton
- James Stroudley
- Melissa Sturgeon
- Tadeusz Styka
- Richard Berkeley Sutcliffe
- Hector Mcdonald Sutton
- John Sutton
- Frederick George Swaish
- Cuthbert Edmund Swan
- John Macallan Swan
- Joseph Syddall
- Ken Symonds
- T
- Elizabeth Taggart
- Algernon Talmage
- Margaret W. Tarrant
- Austin Taylor
- William S Taylor
- Herbert Victor Tempest
- James Havard Thomas
- James Robert Thompson
- Alfred Reginald Thomson
- Edith M Thomson
- George Thomson
- William Hamo Thornycroft
- William Edwin Tindall
- David Tindle
- Cynthia Tingey
- Albert Toft
- Flora Tomkins
- Feliks Topolski
- Patty Townsend-Johnson
- Julian Trevelyan
- Louisa Trevelyan
- James Walker Tucker
- Henry Scott Tuke
- Charles Frederick Tunnicliffe
- W
- Louis Wain
- William John Wainwright
- William Walcot
- Agnes E Walker
- Frederick Walker
- James Alexander Walker
- John P. Wall
- Hugh Wallis
- Cecile Walton
- Edward Arthur Walton
- Elijah Walton
- John Stanton Ward
- Vernon Ward
- Arthur Wardle
- Louisa, Marchioness Of Waterford
- Ernest Albert Waterlow
- Billie Waters
- Frank Watkins
- Charles John Watson
- Harry Watson
- John Dawson Watson
- Frances Watt
- Arthur George Watts
- George Frederick Watts
- James Thomas Watts
- Walter Ernest Webster
- Constance Wenlock
- Joseph Walter West
- Richard Westall
- Harry Van Der Weyden
- Alfred Wheeler
- Charles Thomas Wheeler
- Muriel Wheeler
- James Abbott Mcneill Whistler
- Rex John Whistler
- John White
- Frederic Whiting
- John Whitlock Codner
- Stephen Makepeace Wiens
- William Ainsworth Wildman
- Norman Wilkinson Of Four Oaks
- John Riley Wilmer
- Scottie Wilson
- Theodore Blake Wirgman
- Jack Coburn Witherop
- Alfred Withers
- Alfred Aaron Wolmark
- John Barlow Wood
- William Thomas Wood
- James Woodford
- Henry Woods
- George Richard Woolway
- Edward Woore
- Leslie Worth
- Francis Wynne-Thomas